The film focuses on Clarise (played by Pokwang), a single mother with two children, each of which is from different men. She is an OFW working in Japan and she is a hopeless romantic eager to find a husband and a father for her children. There enters Zanjoe Marudo’s character, Henry, a Filipino promodiser. One day, they bump into each other and Clarise tried to seduce him but she failed. Their paths crossed again in a plane going back to the Philippines. Unfortunately, their plane crushed and found their selves both stuck in an island. Henry woke up without remembering anything and Clarise took advantage of the opportunity and made-up stories about how they met. She based her stories from the scenes of the popular films of Star Cinema and convinced Henry that they are married to one another. After they are rescued, Clarise introduced him to her family and friends as her husband but their
illegitimate marriage begin to fall out as Henry slowly regains his memory. Will Henry find the truth? Will Henry and Clarise split-up their illegitimate marriage? Will he learn to really love Clarise? Or Will they end up together? This is the story of the girl who was so obsessed to get married and eventually she will realize at the latter part of the movie that she doesn’t need a man to fix herself and to be happy. Also joining Pokwang, Zanjoe Marudo, and Ellen Adarna are Empoy Marquez, Edgar Allan Guzman, Pooh, Beauty Gonzalez, Joy Viado, Mikylla Ramirez, and Steven De Guzman.
The spooftacular movie of the year is directed by Tony Y. Reyes and will hit theaters nationwide on June 11, 2014.
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My Illegal Wife
Zanjoe Marrudo
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