Baka Bukas is a Romantic-Drama movie directed and written by Samantha Lee and premiered last November 1, 2016 at Cinema One Originals Films Festival. Starring Jasmine Curtis and Louise delos Reyes, the film is now distributed by Star Cinema to be released nationwide this March 1, 2017 in the Philippines.
It is a story of falling in love with your best friend. Alex ( Jasmine Curtis) a 23 years old lesbian, being open of being a queer to some people except her best friend, Jess (Loiuse delos Reyes). She had a few relationships but unfortunately ended so soon that made her focus on her career. Her gay friends knowing her true identity, keep reminding her that being open to their loved ones may or may not be a good idea. There will be pros and cons doing so, but Alex decided to confess to her best friend and the two confronted their feelings for each other.
The film truly portrays the life of a gay person. The struggle to be accepted in the society, the fear of being rejected and the acceptance they deserve. An eye opener in our ever changing society. For all the gays, lesbians and transgender out there, this is a movie dedicated to you.
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